Miss Goody Two Shoes

Miss Goody Two Shoes As I was hanging out …

Getting to Know Sean

This is a fictional story that takes place during…

The art of seduction!

I guess that to look at I’m not really what peopl…

Accidentally Seduced

Brianna made her way up the walkway of her boyfri…

Fantasies Fulfilled_(1)

Fantasies Fulfilled Everyone has sexual fantasie…

Servicing the Client

[b]Servicing the Client[/b] My name is Jake and…

League Of Domination: My Step Mistresses

This is a short Stand alone spin off from my domi…

Norma's Secret Life_(0)

Norma’s Secret Life Chapter 1 Posted: May 05, 20…

Poker turned to Strip

Flashback time: This took place several years bef…

S.M.O.M.S. - The Origin, Ch. 3

Chapter 3 Our first was born two months after G…