My horny old biddies

My Horny old Biddies Well school had finally let…

United we stand ch. 1

this is my first time publishing anything i would…

Fantasies Fulfilled_(0)

Fbailey story number 376 Fantasies Fulfilled …

Best Friend’s Wife_(1)

Fbailey story number 782 Best Friend’s Wife J…

McKenzie Shares; Pt 2

Sylvia knocked on the door and when McKenzie open…

Bunny and the Slopes

Chapter One Bunny Johnson was looking forward t…

Sexual Shenanigans of Boris Johnson's Cabinet: Matt Hancock

My wife Gina Coladangelo was a beautiful, tall, 4…

Miss Goody Two Shoes

Miss Goody Two Shoes As I was hanging out …

League Of Domination: My Step Mistresses

This is a short Stand alone spin off from my domi…

The art of seduction!

I guess that to look at I’m not really what peopl…