Jason's Diary

Jason’s Diary …

Nebraska Boys

Friday the 19th of June was like any other day. I…

fun strangers

Hi my name is Rasha and at the time I was a 15 yr…

Neighbor girl!

I was about 30 years old when this occurred. I li…


We left off with Trina giving Lynn’s dad a blow …

Legendary Shy

this is another story im working on, its long, re…

New York City Submissive Female - Chapter 2

1983 it was. Fall. Sue was ready at last. It had…

New York City Submissive Female - Chapter 4

Phil hurried to the address in the morning. It tu…

The Student_(0)

The Student by John Morrison “Okay, that’s a…

New York City Submissive Female - Chapter 5

The web guy from San Jose was giving his final pr…