Tutoring Mary

I was never very outgoing in high school. I mostl…

Dead Stick 12

The next morning I awoke on the floor where Cloe …

Dead Stick 10

I'd finally gotten everything put away when a few…

Nebraska Boys

Friday the 19th of June was like any other day. I…

My neighbor_(6)

My neighbor My name is Amy. I am a 26 year-o…

Jason's Diary

Jason’s Diary …

fun strangers

Hi my name is Rasha and at the time I was a 15 yr…

New York City Submissive Female - Chapter 3

1987 it was. Spring. "Can we talk about the wed…


Jan and Steve had been married for just over 10 y…

New York City Submissive Female - Chapter 1

This is a tale of a different age, a time so long…