Underground Sex 1

Sarah Walmin stared down at her shoes as she head…

The sex villains

The sex villains  The napper:  He naps random g…

Super Sex Machine

Several years ago, I had just gotten out of my fi…

My first story_(0)

I call Rell and tell him that I have planned a sp…

A Canadian Story

A Canadian Story, c.2100, by StefanIsMe. Please d…

Sauna Sex - Day 1_(0)

Sauna Sex – Day 1 We are on our way to the hotel…

Sex Manor Part 2

I woke with a start and sat up in my bed. I was u…

memories the end

couple of weeks later she again came to the club …

1965 sold for sex

PLEASE don’t complain about my typo’s and grammar…

A Trucker's Story

I've been an over the road truck driver for twent…