Lockdown - Daughter's Story 3

Dad and I continued to fuck whenever we could. We…

Jeans, Dave, Lyn & Al Xmas sex

Where to start I’d always teased Jean about watch…

Lockdown - Daughter's Story 2

the following week and a bit Dad & I were fai…

African-American Studies Part 3

Malcolm had done a fairly decent job. He had kep…

Penthouse Slaves Series: Jess

I walked through the living room. Girls in outfi…

The Fighter Series, Round 1

So here’s a new story of mine. And the regular di…

The Long Absence: Ted’s Story

The Long Absence: Ted’s Story Chapter 1 – The A…

Eroticara: World of Fantasy

I was finally off. After three weeks of covering …

African-American Studies Part 2

Malcolm gripped his tea cup, his hands shaking wi…

A series of circumstances 2

The circumstances have changes. This is the seco…