Treasure planet gay story

A spasm of hurt rippled through me with such sudd…

Jordan's sex sequal Part.1_(0)

Note to all readers some of my story characters a…

Don't Use Mom's Panties 3

He started stroking his cock right in front of me…

First Sex Teacher My Sister

I recieved these story by one of my friend by mai…

Diaries of a Soldier - Welcome to Korea

Diaries of a Soldier - Welcome to Korea W…

Tales from a Small Republic - Tayna's Story

After the recession hit the small Republic and ma…

The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 2

Neiladri Sinha Jr. :- We wrapped up the shooting…

Alley-Sex Cuckold: Used-Condom Drinking

The list: 10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle f…

The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 3

Tanuj Rao :- After discharge, Sweetpea took me t…

The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 1

Neiladri Sinha Jr. :- To begin with, the name is…