Treasure planet gay story

A spasm of hurt rippled through me with such sudd…

My fucked up story part 1

When I turned about 5 or 6 I relized I could mani…

Gay sex on the side of the road

Yesterday I was horny all day. Since I am workin…

Sex Club Level 2 - The Twins

Sex Club Level 2 - The Twins After that firs…

"Sex in the Rain. Well Kinda...."

Long day at work today and just got home. I reall…

Rider of the storm- prelog

He stood at the entrance of a massive vault in th…

Don't Use Mom's Panties 3

He started stroking his cock right in front of me…

The Damaged Stowaway. Pt 2

Three days had passed since Lily found a safe hav…

Sex Slave Mommy Chapter 01

It’s hard to find an apartment to rent in London.…

Memories of a Mortician Case 16: Erotic Deomposition

EROTIC DECOMPOSITION Year: 2003 Name: W.Y Age: 2…