Author: admin

The Ticket XIII

The Ticket XIII June 1988 Donald R Murphy sat …

Who me a Wizard EPILOG

Epilog : Who Me a Wizard A sad looking Halflin…

Mondo' s Clan part 3_(0)

Mondo' s Clan part 3 We made our way back t…

The Ticket

The Ticket How am…

Mondo 's Clan

Mondo's Clan I am Mondo when my story bega…

Mondo's Clan part 2

Mondo' s Clan Part 2 15 I awoke to stillne…

Daniel Wolf Part 6

Daniel Wolf Part 6 Chapter 10 Hours later Dani…

Who Me .... A Wizard V

Who Me.... A Wizard V Aden flew high but with h…

Daniel Wolf part 3

Daniel Wolf part 3. Chapter 5 I spent a lot of …

The Ticket XVI & Epilog

The Ticket XVI Sandy called the cops while her c…