Author: admin

The Ticket IX

The Ticket IX I put in a call to my legal staff …

Who Me... a Wizard vII

Who Me … a Wizard VII I was trying to follow th…

The Ticket VI

The Ticket VI I took the ticket and looked at t…

Men Of Two Worlds Part 2

men of two worlds Part two Chapter three: Runnin…

Who Me ... a Wizard V111

Who Me … a Wizard V111 I had my head down on my …

Daniel Wolf part 7

Chapter 12 Part 7 I awoke and looked around. I w…

Who Me....a Wizard IX

Who Me ...a Wizard IX Fang was very up set he k…

Aunt meg pt 5 Return of the Prune

Aunt Meg pt 5 Return of the Prune I awoke …

Men of the World part 3

Men of Two Worlds Part 3 Chapter : Five Ru…

Daniel Wolf Part 8

Chapter 15 part 8 Daniel awoken to a stir of act…