The Fighter Series, Round 1

So here’s a new story of mine. And the regular di…

A series of circumstances 2

The circumstances have changes. This is the seco…

Penthouse Slaves Series: Jess

I walked through the living room. Girls in outfi…

Mommy Teaches Son About Sex

Every night, when my husband fell asleep… I visi…

Love/life sex story of me pt. 2: A time of love and plague!

The love/sex life story of me 2 Hello, my name's…

Memories chapter 6

Next is uneventful I started going out with the t…

Sex on the beach_(3)

SEX ON THE BEACH Maria thought she might be in …

Internet Sex Match

A 32 year old woman, her 49 year old mom, and a 3…

Helen's Third Story

My partner, Steve, and I recently had a few days …


I was 17, not nearly ready for my first semester …