Seduction of a white boy

Blondie boy This is a true story, it is about my…

The Kennedys, 2.3: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (Turn and face the strange).

Things changed now, some subtle, some not so subt…

affair with step brother

This is my first story and if ya'all like it I wi…

Stranger in a bar - part 2

Helen was ahead of me walking towards the hotel l…

Doctor "P" Makes Me Believe

I was married for about five years now and we wer…

Other Men's Wives #1 - Katy

I d Katy at a block party in Chicago. I play in…


Michael had planned the night well. He had told S…

My second date with Daniel

This is my second day with daniel, my 14 year old…

A Strangers Cum Part One

A Strangers Cum Part One My thrusts increased in…

A Strangers Cum Part Two

A Strangers Cum Part Two Early next morning I wo…