Secret's best kept.

It was after the school holidays, while I was at …

Street Lights - 8_(1)

*** Ch. 9 will be the final chapter I post here. …

04] The Second Shot

Though this is a story complete in itself, reader…

Seduced By Miriam

It was a gorgeous early evening in the Mid-Atlant…

Folsom Street Fair

Folsom Folsom... where to start lol. It was an o…

My friend's dad 9

A couple minutes later we both got dressed, but I…

Seducing Her Father

This a rewrite of a previous story. Hopefully be…

My friend's dad 4

So the next day I went back to my house. My mom h…

My friend's dad 3

That certainly woke him up. "Are you really preg…

The Perfect Setup

A young husband decides to seek revenge on a bit…