The Stepmother

The Stepmother. When I was 16 my entire family l…

" THE student "_(2)

As a student I didn't have a lot of money. Neithe…

But honey, it was only a dance, Linda's story

Sequel to; “But honey, it was only a dance.” Lind…

Nightmare By Millie Dynamite —A Flash Story—

Nightmare By Millie Dynamite —A Flash Story— T…

Stuborn bitch

Kelly had been a normal fifteen year old, exept f…

Night Session

Echos of Adona's heels could be heard on pavement…

My sexy lover Angie part two

Chapter five (Angie's point of view) I woke early…

The Widow's Pink Panties part 1

Joe died… Those words resonated in my mind for tw…

An anal retentive couple tries anal

Author’s note/What to expect: This story is in t…

The Widow's Pink Panties part 2

Linda’s eyes were half closed, her enticing mouth…