Dead Stick 10

I'd finally gotten everything put away when a few…

Dead Stick 13

I stood there for the longest time feeling like a…

Dead Stick 12

The next morning I awoke on the floor where Cloe …

Sexy Sorority, Chapter 2: Crime and Punishment

Continued...this is the morning after part one...…

Nightmare By Millie Dynamite —A Flash Story—

Nightmare By Millie Dynamite —A Flash Story— T…

Tutoring Mary

I was never very outgoing in high school. I mostl…

Bad Seed CH.3

With only an hour to go to the appointed meeting …

Night Session

Echos of Adona's heels could be heard on pavement…

Striking Gold.

Striking Gold. by Zvogel For my last birthday M…

Bad Seed CH.2

After 3 years I finally continue this story ----…