Sex and the school gril 3

After Ann left I started to think about my life, …

So We Had Sex, Get Over It

Fbailey story number 391 So We Had Sex, Get Ove…

Some of Samone's life story.

Samone was a young black girl of 22. Her mother h…

Sexy Teacher_(1)

A young boy was walked into his teacher’s classro…


Scooby Doo: Between the Scenes “Well, gang, …

Mother-In-Law Sex Pt 4, Ex Mother-in-Law

Mother-in-Law Sex, Pt4: Ex Mother-in-Law I was o…

After the Gym, A True Story continues

This Story contains man on man sexual activity. …

Last chapter of my story

Three months passed and I was down to see Emily o…

Jordan the Sex Goddess_(0)

My name is Jake. I am writing this down because I…

Alex - the Freeballer in the Comet Store

It’s not often you see someone with “knock-‘em-de…