Judy sex toy

At the breakfast table, cousin Judy sat with her …

Summer of Sex

"Lunch time!" Matt one of the counselors called. …

Glory hole_(0)

It had been raining for over 24 hours I was bored…

Nuns and sex

Father Cameron sighed and tapped his foot on the …

The Sex Table

I plugged in the computer and booted it up, I wai…

Tw Sabrina and Katrina's Story_(1)

Beep beep beep... Sabrina's eyes cracked open sl…

Family sex 2

Crissy lay quietly in bed, the curtains on the wi…

family sex 3

Crissy was thrilled. She crawled up into her fath…

Finally did it (a true story)

I’ve been posting every once in a while about wan…


I was hooked and now we have sex with extra men a…