The Ladies Book Club Chapter 1

Ladies Book Club Chapter 1 by aliveinpr **** …

Family Conspiracy- Chapter 3: Marci learns the First Rule

Family Conspiracy- Chapter 3: Marci Learns the Fi…

Brittany and Me part 5

Again, if you want the story to make more sense, …

K-9 Fun

K9 Fun As it had happened I was on one of my US …

The Tabatha Diaries - Ch 7

I walked home from Jo’s house in a bit of a daze.…

Private Practice with Coach Garren

Alice had been wanting to improve her time on her…

An Unprofessional Massage

Yasmine hobbled up the stairs to the bathroom, cr…

Bands of Lust Chapter I

Bands of Lust Chapter I Gym class was a wast…

Bands of Lust Chapter II

Bands of Lust Chapter II She had left me with a …

The Tabatha Diaries - Ch 4

For days afterwards, I replayed Tabatha’s virtual…