Adventures with Hannah: Chapter 1

Hannah and I were driving home from her parents’ …

A Better Me Through Genetics

Okay, this is a departure for me. It is a whole n…

A Man and His Pets (complete)

I have combined all of the sections of this story…

Caught Parking I

I have restricted the comment section to members …

The River_(2)

The River …

Cat girl Charity - the beginning.

Readers, welcome to the new series I hope will be…

Galactic Vendetta Chapter 01

Warning: to readers this story features themes of…

The Battered Lamp Prologue and Chapter One: The Genie of the Lamp

The Battered Lamp Prologue: The Lamp's Journey by…

Ticonderoga – Episode 1: Adrift

Ticonderoga – Episode 1: Adrift Cast of Characte…

The Terror of the Incubus

What is it about the night that amplifies our fea…