Lucky Josh

It was late in the morning when Josh woke to the …

My Niece the troublemaker - Ch. 1

My Niece the Troublemaker Chapter 1 By treatmedir…


While I am "mostly" hetrosexual now. My first ex…

The Weekend

The weekend started like many others at college, …

Les & Bob part 1

Les & Bob Part 1 When I was 11 years old, in…

Halloween Treat_(1)

Halloween Trick (M+/M-teen, 1st-gay exp, rp) by T…

My part tim boss

I was probably just turned 15,when i first starte…

The Ten of Them Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Today is what is known as Black Frida…

My Best Friend, Amelia

Amelia and I had been best friends since we were …

Paybacks are hell

Paybacks are hell – Original lemon by MISTER BIG …