A Norwegian Sex Story chap. 2j

It was a beautiful Monday at our small but still …

NaruHina highschool sex story

It was another boring day at Konohagakure, known …

A Wife's Story 3 - 20th Reunion

The night before the big event, there was an info…

This Story Is About Cindy 1:4_(1)

PART 1 CHAPTER 4 The rest of the week went by…

My first time a blog/story_(3)

So the name is Vincent. I am a white male and for…


It was about 7PM when Julie finally awoke. Her as…

Another Addicted Story ch. 3-5

------- This isn't my story, however I enjoyed…

True Story: I Fucked For Money

This is a true story. If it weren't true it might…

Another Addicted Story ch. 1-2

This isn't my story, however I enjoyed it so much…

Pick up at the Grocery Store

Melody was a very sexy woman and enjoyed all thin…