Sexual experiments with a hot young latina - Part VI

Elena - VI I came home early from work Monday af…

Jon Snow And The Ladies of Westeros pt 1- Sansa Stark

(The story is a little AU from the normal Game of…

Case Study 301: Elado Vagy Kiado - Pussy for sale or rent

Chapter 16 Case Study 301: Elado Vagy Kiado ~ Pus…

Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 7 - Draco's Plan Begins

This story does not reflect the attitudes or char…

Sissy the Redhead: Running the Show Pt V

Sissy the Redhead: Running the Show Pt V A…

Visit to Aunt April's House (ch.1-5)

Chapter 1 My story begins when my family visite…

Harry Potter and his Magic Wand Ch.1

Chapter 1 “Wake up Harry, wake up” Ron shouted, w…

Yvonne after Steve:"The Plumber & the Rug

We left off the first story of Steve and Yvonne a…

Mom sees visits me at Fort Benning

This is a continuation from my last story of my m…

“Daddy, can Paige stay over tonight?”

“Daddy, can Paige stay over tonight?” I heard my …