She - 3rd person

She'd been thinking about him all day. Not so muc…

A New Stranger

I had just broken up with my long term boyfriend.…

Jay's New Pets

Jay's New Pets by Diiamond Part I The Introduc…

Teen Strip Poker Circle Jerk (An Early Experience)

This is an experience I had when I was in my teen…

Just the start

May 1, 2014, Today is the second day with a …

my stepbrother

I think its so sweet when my step brother Kevin g…

Possession (Pt 2)

Feeling giddy she looks round not sure how she go…

Dr Strangelust

What started out as a flight of fancy for twenty-…

The Stranger_(0)

I wrote this story mostly for myself because it's…

Sleeping Pills

It's amazing how things happen sometimes. Let me …