Cherry Popper

Hi, my name is Debra and this is a snippet of my …

State Part II

Andrew looked at Scott. He couldnt believe what h…

Love/life sex story of me: The Complete Third Season

The usual rambling girl storytelling cominatcha! …

The virus pt1

~For two years I have been working on his shelter…

Brian's Power

This story take place in medival times, and it's …

The Vine Pt 5

Recap They go downstairs and see June sittin…

10 Billion Dollar Blowjob Ch 2: a Frankel story

10 Billion Dollar Blowjob Ch 2 Original story by…

Julie's Visit

I arrive home from work one night to find you wai…

Stoner Lovers

The herb on the table was fantastic, a brilliant …

Portal Gun Fun

When I got the package, I was thrilled. I spent a…