The Stockport Stripper

The Empress Theatre Club, in Stockport Cheshire, …

Bus Stop Affair, pt.2

The day I lost that job was a rough one. I had be…

My History Teacher 6

Here is the newest addition to 'My History Teache…

My History Teacher 5

I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I enj…

My History Teacher 2

It was rough for the week. I ignored Ms. Harper a…

Stolen Slave Part Two

Stolen Slave A True Story Part Two I arrived ho…

The liquor store lady

There is this liquor store in the mall where I us…

My story about becoming what I am today... A Horny slut... Part One:_(0)

My name is Ashanti-lee. I grew up in Brooklyn. I …


My History Teacher I was 18. The legal age to be…

A Prison Stpry Part 4

A Prison Story Part 4 – A New Whore By JIMMY SEAY…