Bus ride to sex

I travel quite a bit for business purposes. As I …

Robert's Story Chapter 12

After The Dance (((Ringing))) (((Ringin…

Laci M|f sex Older|young

Laci By: The Black Pedo/ AKA Gen. Butt-Naked M/f …

Visual Memories

I was glad no-one was home, so I could once again…

Tony Stark's Brief, Sexual Encounter

“FUCK!” The woman moaned, biting her bottom lip w…

Robert's Story Chapter 15

Aftermath Stopping at the hotel desk I asked…

Sex in the city - Chapter 2

Immanuel had witnessed the protest, had a single …

Sex in the city - Chapter 1

Immanuel Calley wandered through the now dimming …

Bag Boy Sex Toy_(1)

I was a bag boy at my local super market when I w…

Roberts Story Chapter 14

Betrayal After my walk back to the room my b…