Boyfriend seduces me to do it in the ocean

“Hehe” I giggled as he squeezed my butt under the…

Taking Mom to the Truck Stop III - the Whipmaster

Please rate and comment (Blonde teen Hanna has r…

Amanda My Step Daughter 4

It's been awhile since my last posting due to a t…

Seductive Scheming Step Mom

The day finally arrived I was going to go see my …

Sexual awakening Part 1_(0)

You’ve heard of the cliche love at first sight ri…

Step-fatherly love Part 2

First I would like to start off by apologizing fo…

Step-fatherly love Part 6

That night I practiced “breathing around” the dil…

Step-fatherly love Part 4

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening swi…

Step-fatherly love Part 5

For the next week I spent every afternoon and eve…

Stephanie's Abusive Father

I knew my dad liked his time alone. He often came…