YOUR Tales series.

Your Tales chapter 1, Star wars: Padme Amidala. …

My slutty sex slave

Hi! I'm a girl, but I'm going to write the point …

The Sleep Device

The Sleep Device A Real Head Ache I had been pl…

Summer Sex - PART 1

"Mom, Dad, um...Can I go to the beach with my fri…

My step-mom, my lover

This story will cover a span of 5-6 years and is …

Super Sex Machine

Several years ago, I had just gotten out of my fi…

Sex in the Nether

Part One "Do you love me?" Vey asked, absently r…

my sexy step sister

I remember the day she moved in. When my dad deci…

A Trucker's Story

I've been an over the road truck driver for twent…

Sleeping Cousins

This is my first story. I'm sorry about correct g…