The Stepsister (Opening Series)

She (21) is three years older than I am (18) and …

Sex Sleuth Adventures: Jeremy

Sex Sleuth Adventures Chapter One Hey Readers. …

Never Experienced Rough Sex

"A startled moan escaped her lips, and she tilted…

The Spanking Stories - #2: Memento Morey

The Spanking Stories - #2: Memento Morey By Zen …

Cumlord Stories: A Morning With the Cumlord

Images of writhing, naked bodies; sensations of g…

Phoenix Rising & Crystal (Two stories)

This is a double bill. Phoenix Rising and Crystal…

Slaves (the whole story)

Slaves Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Len…

A Norwegian Sex Story chap. 2j

It was a beautiful Monday at our small but still …

Boy Meets Man-Changing Stories |Atchy|

His eyes opened wide as the grip of his hand on h…

A Soldier story

In August 14, 1946, SSGT. Patrick Allen drove the…