i mean i want sex pls

After I retired, I moved to a resort town near a …

Touching my soft, sleeping cousin.

I watched my cousin Brittney grow up and as she r…

Sex teacher part 2 chapter seven

Sex teacher part 2 When most my friends had thei…

My Gay Sex Life: Chapter III_(1)

So it's Saturday night and we're laying on a king…

Chapter 3: More Than Friends (Nancy series)

More Than Friends The next few weeks went by in a…

Young lesson in Sex

I first have to tell you this was during an era w…

memories of a friend...

there were nasty boys in our neighborhood as myse…

Rachael's Story - Chapter 2 - Caught

Rachael’s Story – Chapter 2 – Caught I don’t lik…

my sexy young slut wife stacy_(1)

Hello people Before you start reading my storys…

Watching Sue, story 3

I have reposted this story as I had not used the …