Imma a sex addict

Hey my names ryan cash im 24 year old now and a w…

Summer Sex - PART 1

"Mom, Dad, um...Can I go to the beach with my fri…

One Stormy Night

The storm approached the small town at a high spe…

Sex in the Nether

Part One "Do you love me?" Vey asked, absently r…

Sex park 1 and 2

Sex park Once upon a time there was a park. Not …

The sex villains

The sex villains  The napper:  He naps random g…

sex genie edited

I had just got off work and was standing in front…

Mom"s sex lessons

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi, I…

The Sexiest Kiss

The Sexiest Kiss Version 1.10 By Maximillian Exc…

A Canadian Story

A Canadian Story, c.2100, by StefanIsMe. Please d…