Hot sex at work

Well it all happens when 2 people who are attract…

Sex Jokes A-Z (3)

Q. Did ya hear about the new "morning after" pill…

The Devil's Pact Side-Story: The Alukah Part 1-The Hunt

The Devil's Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Maste…

Nightmare By Millie Dynamite —A Flash Story—

Nightmare By Millie Dynamite —A Flash Story— T…

Sex Jokes A-Z (5)

Q. Did you hear about the napping? A. Yeah, he w…

COUSINS –OUR STORY - Chapter 1revised

COUSINS – our story - Chapter 1 BACKGROUND TO OU…

Summer stories(2)

SUMMER STORIES (2) A few minutes earlier they’d …

I found the perfect twink - Part 1 (True Story)_(0)

Hey all, I’ve been a dom for quite a few years… s…

The Wifes Store

My wife LeAnn is a 26 year old head turning brune…

Sex Jokes A-Z (4)

Q. What is the difference between "Oooh!" and "Aa…