Secret Lives (Pt 2)

It’s been a couple of days since I’ve been alone …

daddy fucked me_(0)

Hi before I started my story I would like to tell…

Sexual Exploits of Kyle James Summers

Being a teenager going through puberty, I’ve foun…

Family vacation_(3)

The Woods family would never consider themselves …

Whoa! Jenny's New Training Method VII

Whoa: Jenny's New Training Method Jason had…

His first sucking

IT was summer and I was 14... I would ride my bi…

Serving His Grace

Today I was called to His Grace, and given the fo…

Salvation from Us

The first patient discovered with this virus was …

Sarah's first love

Merrie England, in the seventeenth century... Th…

bound and fucked_(0)

I had you tied to my bowflex. You were blindfolde…