A passionate night of sex with the wife

After getting home from work I felt completely ex…

Bayonetta's - Chapter 11 - Gathering Storm

“Ohhhhhh! OHHHH GOD!!!” Moans flowed freely from…


I took Gwen to my west Texas ranch, she didn't he…

Love, sex & life of me 4: Witty Title Here

Part 4 cuz shit keeps happening! I probably have …

Pillbox Sex Dungeon - Chapter 2 - Dungeon of Love

Chapter 2 - Dungeon of Love So the couple had be…

Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 9 - The Calm before the Storm

This story does not reflect the attitudes or char…

Tina and the Stuffed Pussy - Chapter 3 Tina's Monthly Visitor

Chapter 3 – Tina's Monthly Visitor Sunday I wal…

The Stories of Laura, Part 5, Finally scratching an itch

It had been a few weeks since Ken and I last play…

fun with sis and friends

it all started one day when i was watching a movi…


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