Sex games 4

The next morning we were out on the deck having c…

Shaun's Story

Michael: Hi. My name is Michael Gold. I am 12 ye…

Our story_(2)

That night was a turning point for me. I don’t k…

Vren's story

Vren was almost at the crossroads. It had been a …

Sarah's Story

Sarah’s Story By Jack T Ripper My name is Sarah…

Jodi's Story

Many years ago I dated a cool girl named Jodi. We…

Rose's Story

Rose’s Story. This is fiction based around the fa…

Jean's Story

Jean by Diomedes050465 Chapter 1 : Introductio…

Jill's Story

Hi my name is Jill. This story is about my own pe…

Our story_(1)

My husband and I have a very active sex life, but…