Family sex 2

Crissy lay quietly in bed, the curtains on the wi…

The Shame Game

*As always, leave a comment below and let me know…

family sex 3

Crissy was thrilled. She crawled up into her fath…

A new realization of control and submission

She was about 26 years old. She was an intellectu…

Teds revenge

Consensual sex, revenge, phone sex O…

Julia's Game

Julia looked around the darkened basement seeing …

A Snow Bunny

A Snow Bunny Working a ski tow in Falls Creek in…

Summer Fun_(0)

This story has been around for a while, but it is…

Ron Jeremy 3

Well Aunt Shellie didn't come over first thing in…

Ron Jeremy 4

The sex between my mom and Aunt Shellie and I con…