My Friend James_(0)

I had never thought of James in a sexual way. He …

Annie Goes Skiing

Annie glanced in the mirror one last time as she …

rich boys love 23

a few hours later i woke up again and harvey had …

daddies fall pt 1

this is the very first story I have ever written.…

daddies fall pt 2_(2)

hey all! its your friendly neighborhood juggalo h…

rich boys love 19

after the meal we decided that harvey and his mom…

rich boys love 21

when i got home i told my mom the good news howev…

One Night Stand_(1)

Steve was tooling down the highway, his work done…

Just For Starters

You knock on the door of the hotel room. I have …

rich boys love 42

when i went to pick harvey up from the hospital h…