Stallion Trainer

Heya XNXX! I'm a writer of erotica that includes …

rich boy$ love 60

so me and harvey woke up yesterday at like 5 am a…

The Priest and I

[b]I was 17 at the time, (this only happened abou…

Jia's Awakening Ch 4.5 - Jessa's story and family secrets

Jia's Awakening Ch 4.5 : Jessa's Story and Family…

Shadows in the Storm- Part 3 of 5: People Shuffle In and Out

As soon as Corrine left for the beer run, Bill at…

Juan's Crazy Sex adventures in Puerto Rico/ Part One...

I'm a lawyer, and I know right from wrong, but th…

Juan's Crazy sex adventures in Puerto Rico. Part One

I'm a lawyer, and I know right from wrong, but th…

The Story of Alexandra, A Demonic Sex Slave; Chapter 1

It was winter, and as usual, along had come the t…

Memories of A Mortician: Virgin Conception/ Concrete Love

NOTE TO READER: Drawing of these and all my previ…

Eva, truck driver's wife, wants to hear a story, part 3

Ch 3 “This was fun, I haven’t had sex like this.…