Sissy Blackmailed Into A blowjob!

I was relaxing at home one day, laying down on my…

Reply to women's 50 rules for men

Call. Don't lie. Never tape any of her body part…

Shadows in the Storm- Part 5 of 5: The Fishing Lodge Gets New Residents

“Are you sure this is appropriate? What if Cory’s…

An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia - The Complete Story

An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia Ch…

The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying

The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men witho…

Strangers Touch

Authors Note: The part about the AC going out an…

Train Ride (9.21)

Preface: This story was a challenge to tell an e…

How Hox met River

“Hox...” River was lying on top of his covers na…

Street Lights - 5

The garage is dimly lit. The walls are practicall…

Street Lights - 6

“LINK! I've been looking all over for you,” Stacy…