Orange Panties

Fbailey story number 195 Orange Panties I am …

Halloween Story: Things that go *Bump* *Bump* Bump* In the night!

Belisa, a 23 year old in college was invited by a…

Stinkin' Lincon

Stinkin' Lincon It was a beautiful summer day i…

Strong Again 1

You need to read Revenge of the strong first ---…

A Royal's Lust

“Prince Allen, if you keep squeezing like this I …

Power Struggle

" Don't touch me." Trish hisses. My hands wrapped…

Stephen Learns

This is a story about a young 12 year old boy in …

Les & Bob part 1

Les & Bob Part 1 When I was 11 years old, in…

The Mall and Victoria's Secret

We went to a mall and I was wearing only this lig…

De toutes sortes

I was staying in the Hotel ** in one of those sub…