Sex and the school gril 3

After Ann left I started to think about my life, …

The story continues, In praise of chub

Well it had been just over two weeks since I had …

Storms Rock: Prologue and Chapter One.

Storms Rock Prologue She was running down th…

Bao's Friend

Nhu has to admit she is a little intimidated as s…

My Boyfriend's Father II

By the next morning, I woke up back in my bed bei…

Role Reversal

"So what do you look for in a woman" she said. "W…

Greatest Sex Scene Ever: Switch Hitters

Have you ever had a movie, or watched a scene fro…

The Motorcycle Diaries: Daddy's Harley

The Motorcycle Diaries: Daddy’s Harley Copyright…

Victorious part 1-Repost

“Coffee.” She said walking by dumping her purse …

A Little Death ( A Miranda & Victoria Story)

The entire week of the joint iCarly/Victorious ep…