Irene learns about sex

We lived in a rural community with my s having gr…

The Barbie Lez Fantasies - Week 33: The Steamy Shower

Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started of…

Kat - My Sex Like Part 6

In case you haven’t read any of my previous stori…

Kat - My Sex Life Part 3

I was driving home. What had I done? I just had s…

Kat - My Sex Life Part 5

I couldn’t wait to meet up with Mr. D'Angelo. Tha…

Kat - My Sex Life Part 4

My stories are about my true life experiences and…

My sexual experiences: The Path of Desire part 1

I was at the end of my senior year of my school a…

A Special Relationship

A Special Relationship A true story. I guess y…

Kat - My Sex Life Part 1

A little bit about me. I got the idea to write th…

Harry Potter and The Order of the Sex Appeal Chapter 2

Harry Potter and The Order of The Sex Appeal Chap…