A Night In: The Complete Series

Jessie waited anxiously for Rob’s arrival. She’d…

The Barbie Lez Fantasies - Week 79: The Stallion

Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started of…

The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm

The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm …

Stepson Fantasies - Chapter 3, a Team Effort

Chapter 3: A team effort Please comment after re…

First experience at Gay Bath, sex at 18 explored

My Hollywood venture; found gay sexual encounter …

Tina the Slut Willingly Services My Friends

Tina the Slut Willingly Services My Friends Tin…

Do I really want to save this marrige? CH 3

Do I want to save this marriage …

Do I really want to save this marrige? CH 1

Do I want to save this marrige? …

Jennifer’s Sexual Awakening - Ch4 -The Return

‘The boys are coming back today, Alessa.’ ‘I know…

A Farm House Story: Part 1 of 4: A Love Tryst

Writer’s Comments: Except for the names of cities…