My First Sexual Experience_(0)

My first sexual experience happened during the su…

Sexpionage 2 - A Friendly hell

A FRIENDLY HELL – Sexpionage 2 Embassy of the Ru…

My First Sexual Experience_(8)

My first sexual experience I was brought up in a…

Celestial Nirvana: The Series

Chapter 1 The young woman plunged her fingers …

An anal retentive couple tries anal

Author’s note/What to expect: This story is in t…

I Dream of Angels: The Series

This story is an existential drama focusing on ps…

Drive-in Memories part Seven

Part 7 I started my kissing her tenderly passion…

Maryanne’s Story – Secret Kisses

Maryanne’s Story – Secret Kisses One year after…

A Wife's Story 3 - 20th Reunion

The night before the big event, there was an info…

Vacation with my family - part I (version 3)

Vacation with my family Hi everybody! I am Steph…