Judy sex toy

At the breakfast table, cousin Judy sat with her …

Stepson Matt...with New Year's Story

I haven't seen Matt since he left for college. Ev…

Engagement Ring: a Frankel story

Engagement Ring Originally written by Frankel. …

sexy secretary

The secretary at the engineering firm i worked at…

Michelle and Katie – Special Story

Hi, I'm Katie, and this is written at the special…

Office sex_(1)

This was great day for me as it was Saturday so n…

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Crissy was thrilled. She crawled up into her fath…

Stormy night

Have you ever had a friend who is prefect in ever…

Galactic Vendetta Chapter 07 the Twins Story part 02

Warning to readers chapters of this story feature…

Yoga and Sex

Him: I've been going to yoga class for a while no…