tons of sex

MAY, 1999 I. Ashley was a caller. That's how it…

Outdoor Sex

Hello my Brothers of all colors. This information…

A Farm House Story: Part 3 of 4: Attack and Counterattack

Terence and Marius talked over their plans. Befo…

Please stop

My name is Katie I'm 13 years old I live with my …

Sex games 4

The next morning we were out on the deck having c…

sex joke_(13)

As confused as a infant in a titty bar. As confu…


John Offen Peter Finch. What a crazy name to giv…

The Storm_(3)

While this is a work of fiction, I based it on so…

The Storm_(1)

Fifty rounds per minute, the A4 held close to his…

Summer Storm

It was hot. I was driving across the desert from…