First Time Sex Stories #4: Coming Into Summer

First Time Sex Stories #4: Coming Into Summer By …

The Power of Science (Chapter 1) - The Story Begins

Evan Weiss woke up feeling quite dreadful. It was…

Full Moon Syndrome Chronicles Cedric's Story

FullMoonSyndrome Chronicles: Cedric’s Test. Josh…

When Pranks Go Awry- An April Fool's Day story

John Matthews couldn't believe what he'd just hea…

A chance for sex

It all started with meeting Delialah. I was just …

Sauna Sex - Day 1_(0)

Sauna Sex – Day 1 We are on our way to the hotel…

Sex on a Saturday

Aaaahhhh! Alas another Saturday. A day of leisure…

Sex park 1 and 2

Sex park Once upon a time there was a park. Not …

Pregnant Sex Pt. 2

Pregnant Sex Ch. 2 by Dunchad© This is the secon…

Self Storage Unit

Amanda was a striking woman; her face was very at…