Panty Bar

Fbailey story number 209 Panty Bar While we w…

Power Play

She arrived exactly on time; seven o’clock. I hea…

Sweet Pea

I was six the first time a man touched me. Back i…

SOLD!!! – Pt.8

Brianna opened the door, wearing a floor-length r…


I’ve been a fan of this site for awhile so I deci…


The steam rose of his cup of coffee as he stirred…

SOLD!!! – Pt.1

Before I start my tale of woe (It is hardly that)…

Semi Nude

I arrive home late from the office, when I go to …

The Five Forms of Kimber Chapter 2: Earth Stone

CHAPTER 2: EARTH STONE Kimber crept quietly thro…

I'm Sorry

"Kris..." The attempt to get the usher's attenti…