sex and the high school gril

Hi my name is Jim and Ann is my friend. I first s…

What's love without stupidity

The light fog added a moisture to the air. The co…

Christine and Serena: Part 2

Part 2 Christine continued to show Serena aroun…

Step Up part 1

Step up I can barely remember when it all started…

The Dark Stone

The Dark Stone By RawlyRawls This is a work of …

Pickup Mystery

A warm spring day and you are standing at the roa…

Brtty's Plight

Betty’s Plight ©This is fiction; any resemblanc…

Way Too Sticky

Way Too Sticky: Special Note: My slugs are not…

Night of Play: Seduction, carnal desires, uncommitted sexual play

I feel I have always been passionate and have a v…

City Guardsman

Disclaimer This is not my story. It is the work o…