Irene learns about sex

We lived in a rural community with my s having gr…

Let me take you back to the beginning of this story...

Let me take you back to the beginning of this sto…

My History Teacher 7_(0)

I hope you all like this new addition of My Histo…

Dress Sexy

Dress Sexy (MF, mast, oral, tits) © 2005 Rhys.The…

Hot Sex with neighbour

The doorbell rang... Harish dreaded opening the …

Longer Sex Jokes A-Z (1)

A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel fo…

My 3rd sex xperience_(1)

The first time i had sex, i was grossed out and i…

The CEO’s Unusual Retirement Party

The CEO’s Unusual Retirement Party by Vanessa Ev…

The Damaged Stowaway_(0)

Lily slowly wandered down the backstreets of a no…

Tommy's Birthday Party

The Birthday We had a birthday party at my house…